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MYZONE is a chest strap and monitoring system that transmits heart rate, calories and effort IN REAL TIME TO A LIVE DISPLAY ON THE WALL.


MYZONE helps you break your large goal down into a series of smaller goals and enables you to have daily, weekly, and monthly wins all the way through your fitness journey. Seeing your progress is very important to the attainment of any goal and at the Studio we're here to help! Since you'll receive the feedback and information needed you are going to stay on track and have the motivation to achieve your fitness goals. Set challenges for yourself or send a challenge to a friend to make it more fun! 


The Studio has a projector to display a tile for each member working out and these tiles show you a lot of information about your work out. 


Healthy Heart Zone (Warm up) — 50 – 60% of maximum heart rate: The easiest zone and probably the best zone for people just starting a fitness program. It can also be used as a warm up for more serious walkers. This zone has been shown to help decrease body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol. It also decreases the risk of degenerative diseases and has a low risk of injury. 85% of calories burned in this zone are fats!


Fitness Zone (Fat Burning) — 60 – 70% of maximum heart rate: This zone provides the same benefits as the healthy heart zone, but is more intense and burns more total calories. The percent of fat calories is still 85%.


Aerobic Zone (Endurance Training) — 70 – 80% of maximum heart rate: The aerobic zone will improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system AND increase the size and strength of your heart. This is the preferred zone if you are training for an endurance event. More calories are burned with 50% from fat.


Anaerobic Zone (Performance Training) — 80 – 90% of maximum heart rate: Benefits of this zone include an improved VO2 maximum (the highest amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise) and thus an improved cardiorespiratory system, and a higher lactate tolerance ability which means your endurance will improve and you’ll be able to fight fatigue better. This is a high intensity zone burning more calories, 15 % from fat.


Red Zone (Maximum Effort) — 90 – 100% of maximum heart rate: Although this zone burns the highest number of calories, it is very intense. Most people can only stay in this zone for short periods. You should only train in this zone if you are in very good shape and have been cleared by a physician to do so.

order your MYZONE set up online & pick it up before your workout. 

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